About our project

#WhatAreYouDoing is a video campaign to enhance public understanding about abuse in young people’s relationships. The film shows that we can all play a part in preventing sexual and domestic abuse.

This project has been led by Coventry University, in partnership with Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre, Coventry City Council, Coventry Haven Women’s Aid and the MESARCH study. The project is part-funded by Coventry University’s UK City of Culture grants.

Anyone can be a victim of domestic or sexual abuse, regardless of gender, age or background.

Why are we doing this?

Sexual and domestic abuse is far too common in the lives of young people. Young people often do not identify with terms like domestic violence and abuse, but want support in understanding what is and is not okay in their relationships and may be unsure about how to manage boundaries around technology [1].

Experiences of sexual, dating and domestic violence and abuse have lifelong impacts across all areas of life, including health, family life and personal relationships, work and education, enjoyment of hobbies and participation in wider culture and society.

The project partnership focuses on prevention and ensuring best practice care and support is offered to all those affected by sexual and domestic violence and abuse locally.

Our goal is to enhance public understanding of the nature of abuse occurring in young people’s relationships. We hope to influence young people and others to recognise different guises of abuse and encourage them to reach out to agencies for advice and support.

[1] SafeLives (2021) My Story Matters: Understanding Young People’s Perceptions of Abuse in their romantic relationships
